
Guidelines for Contributing Content to GovLoop.com

At GovLoop, shared knowledge is our strength. That’s why we welcome community members from across government and industry to share their collective knowledge through blog post submissions to GovLoop.com.

Check out these guidelines to ensure that your blog post submission is considered for review and publication. 

GovLoop.com Blog Submissions

A submission does not guarantee publication. GovLoop’s editorial team considers the contents of each post, its thought-leadership focus and overall relevance to the community, and GovLoop’s current production schedule when determining what to post online, and when. GovLoop will contact you when an article is scheduled for publication. You must have a GovLoop.com account to submit stories. Read on to learn more about our criteria.

Share thought leadership. We welcome submissions that help readers understand a topic, trend or practice in government that is relevant and timely and will help them do their jobs better. We also appreciate articles related to personal development — such as mindfulness, avoiding burnout, etc. Best practices, case studies, and how-to guidance are popular approaches.  

Do not promote a particular product or company. We have other avenues to help you tell those stories, and we’d be happy to connect you with the right people at GovLoop. Instead, we reserve editorial blog posts for explaining how a particular approach, method or capability could help those in government address an issue. Or maybe you can shed light on how a new law/policy will impact government agencies. 

Keep posts short and focused. Blog posts should be around 500 words and no more than 700. For grammar and style purposes, we use the AP Stylebook, which is standard practice for media organizations. Submissions without a focused theme, outcome or clear purpose are less likely to be published. Articles also should be fresh content — that is, not originally posted on a company website. GovLoop reserves the right to lightly edit content before publication.

Use conversational, engaging, inclusive language. Using a conversational tone — rather than academic or formal — helps to draw readers in and keep them engaged. The less jargon, the better. Take time to explain technical terms, and keep in mind that some GovLoop readers know a lot about IT, and some know little. Also, because our community is diverse and holds a variety of political beliefs and affiliations, blog posts should be politically neutral.  

In general, we look for blog posts related to one of the following categories:

  • Employee and constituent engagement
  • Professional and personal development
  • Artificial intelligence/machine learning
  • Career advice for new and current supervisors
  • Data use and/or literacy
  • Diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility
  • Process improvements/agency outcomes
  • Cybersecurity and similar issues
  • Workforce management/leadership

Apply to Be a GovLoop Featured Contributor 

Also, if you’re interested in being a more regular contributor, consider applying to our GovLoop Featured Contributor program, an additional opportunity to share your knowledge and insights. There are two cohorts each year, running from January to June, and July to December. Additional details, including submission requirements, are available HERE

Have questions? Email [email protected]

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