
How Do You Quickly Get Knowledge You Need to Do Your Job Better?

In a blog post I wrote a couple years ago, I shared some thoughts on the future of learning, highlighting the inefficient ways that we currently experience training and education, and suggesting three forces that are shaping the way we get the knowledge we need to do our jobs better. In that post, I said:

  • Informal learning is the new normal (i.e. Google searches, YouTube videos, LinkedIn / Quora / GovLoop question and answer).
  • The real experts are in cubicles, not classrooms (meaning that we learn less from people who stand in front of us in a classroom and more from our colleagues online and in-person).
  • Social networks are the perfect, perpetual classroom (you don’t need to wait for the next training – you can learn right here, right now).

We continue to use old models to train people who need a new way of getting information faster, and it’s costing organizations a lot of money the longer they remain stuck in the previous paradigm.

Social Learning Boot Camp Modeled Social Learning
With that background as context, I was honored to be able to participate as a guest in the Social Learning Bootcamp hosted by Jeanne Meister and her company Future Workplace this past Monday in Georgetown. I was really impressed with how the conference organizer modeled ‘social learning’ for participants:
  • Participants were encouraged to engage in pre-work that got them to interact with one another and primed them for in-person engagement
  • Pre-work was incentivized through gaming and that online interaction was incorporated into the in-person session.
  • Each participant received an iPad and was taught how to use it throughout the session.
  • Participants broke into teams and used the iPad in a hands-on, real-time activity where they created a sample learning video to explain a concept or challenge – in under an hour!

In addition to these practical elements of the training, participants heard from practitioners who shared case studies around enterprise-level learning through internal social networks and gaming. I’d like to give a special shout-out to Defense Acquisition University, who presented on their cutting-edge gaming endeavors.

Key Learning Points from the Boot Camp

Some other gems I heard in conversations and presentations throughout the day:

Why the Real-Time Video Project Was Successful

The videos created by participants were great examples of how quick, easy and effective it can be to prepare video for the purpose of training as they were:

One of the groups even used an app called Magisto to add music and some editing – all in just a few minutes – to take their video to the next level.

What Does This Mean for You?

I know of a few agencies who are trying to make this transition to a new way of learning. One example is the National Highway Institute: But I am curious to see if there are others out there who are experimenting with new models of training and education.

Is your agency incorporating social learning into it’s training and education mix? If so, give examples. If not, why not?

Check out the cross-post of this entry at

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