There are a lot of things you can measure and many ways to measure them when it comes to customer experiences. There’s sentiment data, performance metrics and equitable outcomes, which we’re increasingly seeing agencies move toward measuring.
We’ve rounded up nuggets of wisdom from professionals in different disciplines who are centering CX and embracing metrics to drive impactful change.
Develop competencies around data gathering and usage
Nikhil Deshpande, Georgia’s Chief Digital Officer, explained his thought process for fostering competencies around data-driven customer experiences for digital services.
The Goal: Collaborate with state agencies to develop a maturity model that measures the effectiveness of their digital presence.
• What does success look like for their digital properties, such as websites, for example?
• What parameters will show whether they are meeting that goal?
• What supporting data must be collected to validate success?
• What is the best way to collect that data?
• What’s the right amount of data to collect?
• Is the data understood, and can actions be taken based on that data?

Create performance goals that stick
The president’s executive order asks agencies to make improving CX an integral part of their strategic and performance plans, both at the organizational and individual levels.
Stephanie Thum, a Certified CX Professional and former Vice President of CX at Export-Import Bank, shared performance measurement basics from the Performance Improvement Council’s resource.

Know your budget numbers
Money is a metric. It carries new weight as agencies manage the massive infusion of stimulus money, which includes projects for improving constituent services and experiences. Wayne County, Michigan, for example, received $340 million from the COVID-19 relief bill, which is 60% to 65% of its entire general fund.
Tracking how money is spent, ensuring that proper controls are in place, knowing where money is in the payment pipeline and making that process transparent to internal customers is where Hughey Newsome, the county’s Chief Financial Officer, is prioritizing much of his energy.
“It’s important for us to be able to articulate why we have certain controls in place and why we have to comply with certain things, as well as provide procurement support, budgetary relief support, budgetary control support, whatever it is, in a timely manner,” Newsome said.
For initiatives funded by the American Rescue Plan, different parts of the organization must sign off on various metrics such as eligibility and equity, he said. But where do you start?
A Treasury Department webinar that focused on driving equity with state and local fiscal recovery funds included these prompts to consider:
• Think about the highest-impact service you provide.
• How do you know if those services are reaching the intended beneficiaries and those most in need?
• Who else could you talk to/engage to learn more than you know now?
For more best practices, download “Customer Experience Beyond Memo: A How-To Guide” to hear from other government leaders who are navigating CX at their agencies.
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