
How-To: Find a Mentor

Originally published in Federal Times

Lily Whiteman

February 8, 2010

Remember that reassuring line “I’m on your side” from the Simon & Garfunkel song, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone on your side at work — someone who would be willing and eager to offer you professional advice — a mentor?

Some potential sources of mentors:

In addition, the Senior Executives Association offers a “flash” mentoring program that arranges for retired SEA members or SEA volunteers to offer advice on personal growth and career development to newly appointed members and GS-14/15 members. Each mentor-mentee pairing lasts for a one-hour one-on-one meeting.

Young Government Leaders also plans to introduce a flash mentoring program this year.

Still stuck? Contact successful individuals in your field and tactfully ask for advice. You may find such individuals from these and other resources:

Once you’ve identified potential professional confidantes:

Are you a manager who wants to learn more about the benefits of mentoring programs? If so, search for the Office of Personnel Management’s online publication “Best Practices: Mentoring” at


NOTE: You may also be interested in joining GovLoop’s “Discovering Mentors” Group.

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