
How-To: Game the GovLoop Top 100 Rankings

Ever wondered how you get into the GovLoop Top 100 rankings?

Well, for those of you who are a little competitive or just like to feel as if you’re making progress toward something (you know, like gold stars, good grades and general gaming domination), then this post is for you.

First, here’s the breakdown of the point system:

So let me make it super easy for you to see the activity that gets you the most points:

1 – Post a blog. (25 points)

2 – Invite new people from within GovLoop. (20 points)

3 – Respond to a forum question. (15 points)

4 – Make comments, start a discussion, upload videos, and add events. (10 points)

5 – Friend a bunch of people, join groups, add photos, and get comments on your blogs or forums. (5 points)

And here’s the real secret…are you ready? Want to know how almost all of the people in the Top 10 Hall of Fame got there?

They volunteered to be a GovLoop Greeter. They took a little time one day a week to post a message on a new member’s Comment Wall. In fact, Amy Phillips has seen a meteoric rise to the number 2 spot by being our weekend greeter.

Want to join her? Click here.

Now…I’m pretty sure we can change this configuration…so I always have to ask a question:

How would you change this point allocation? What activities should get more (or fewer!) points?

Commenting? Friending? Joining Groups?

For instance, I might make posting a blog a bit less and increase friending or commenting…but I’m open to suggestions.

Let us know!

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