
Imagine going without the internet, the Interior Dept. did it, the Federal Register gets easier to use and the SBA launches new apps and e-learning

Interior Dept. Transforms IT, Federal Register gets easier to use and how the SBA is pitching in by GovLoop Insights

On today’s program for Monday April 30th, 2012:

The White House Correspondents Dinner was here in Washington over the weekend… and yes, the General Services Administration and the Secret Service served as the punching bags for the annual joke-a-thon.

Like this zinger from host Jimmy Kimmel, “If anyone has tickets for the GSA after-party,” the comedian said, “the plane is leaving for the Four Seasons in Dubai at midnight on the dot. Don’t be late or you’ll miss out on your complimentary white tiger cub.”

If you missed President Obama’s speech or Jimmy Kimmel’s you can take a peek:

Don’t miss the 7 government stories you need to know…including where feds ranks in the court of public perception.

A few final links for thought:
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