
Introducing GovLoop Advisory Board – #1 – Craig Newmark

It’s the heart of the GovLoop philosophy that there are smarter people than the GovLoop team who have great ideas on how to make GovLoop awesome. That’s why we ask questions like “what do you want to see on govloop” and have groups like the GovLoop Community Leaders.

As part of this push, I’ve been looking to create a GovLoop Advisory Board for some time now
(*note – for gov’t ethics reasons, we’ve kept this board free from current govies but we’ll also be launching a GovLoop users group for those currently working in government as we totally need more of this awesome insight**).
Well, the time has happened and we have a great group of 6 that are passionate and innovative about improving government and have great track records in accomplishing it everywhere from Craigslist to state government to award-winning books to the highest levels of federal government.
In true GovLoop fashion, I’ve asked them all to answer a few quick questions to introduce themselves. I’ll be introducing them over the next week. And be sure to friend them on GovLoop.
First up:
Craig Newmark, Founder,, GovLoop Profile

Photo credit: Stephanie Canciello, unali artists

1) What’s your background 2) How you became interested in gov’t? 3) Why you love GovLoop?

I’m a nerd, plastic pocket protector, thick black glasses taped together, for real. (Well, that was high school.) Also, in high school we studied American history, and what makes American governance work fairly well, theole democracy thing. Now, I see the Net changing everything, and figure I should stand up, despite a preference for couch-potatoing.

That is, we’re living through a major period in human history and in governance, and I should do what feels right. GovLoop is an underestimated part of that, where the public and private sectors meet to get stuff done.
A Brief Bio:

Craig Newmark is the founder of, a site where people can help each other with everyday needs including housing and jobs. The site has a culture of trust, based on shared values like “treat people like you want to be treated.” He currently works as a customer service rep, in no managerial role. Previous experience includes thirty years working with computers for IBM, GM, Charles Schwab & Co, and Bank of America.

He’s also working with a wide range of groups using the Net to help each other out, like, the Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America, (microfinance) and Consumer Reports. He’s working on the advisory board of Wikipedia, considering customer service and trust issues.

Craig is also actively engaged with government workers on multiple levels to use the Net for superior public service, and with Sunlight Foundation for government accountability and transparency.

He’s not as funny as he thinks he is, but sometimes can’t help himself. Craig no longer wears a plastic protector and thick black glasses that are taped together, but is still a nerd.

You can reach Craig at,,

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