If you love government, leadership and reading, GovLoop and NextGen have got you covered with the launch of our new book club.
Starting today, you can join the free NextGen Book Club for a chance to develop your leadership skills by reading career-focused books and then discussing them as you network with your public service peers.
NextGen is GovLoop’s annual two-day summit aimed at inspiring government innovation through training and leadership development.
The NextGen Book Club, meanwhile, is a free virtual program that’s open to public servants at every level all year long.
Throughout 2020, we’ll read six books that you and your like-minded companions can enjoy while we provide the discussion questions and a Facebook Live with the author once we’ve completed each book.
To kick things off, we’ve chosen “Managing Up: How to Move Up, Win at Work, and Succeed With Any Type of Boss” by Mary Abbajay.
Abbajay was one of the keynote speakers at the 2019 NextGen Summit, and her book has the inside scoop on making the most of your professional development under any kind of boss.
If that sounds exciting, register yourself, your friends and your coworkers immediately as registration opens today!
Between now and Tuesday, Feb. 28, we’ll cover “Managing Up” in three sections, with each one including the discussion questions, takeaway quotes and terms that we think you should know.
- Section 1 will cover chapters 1-9, concluding on Tuesday, Jan. 21
- Section 2 will concern chapters 10-17 by Monday, Feb. 3
- Section 3 will examine chapters 18-22 by Monday, Feb. 17
As if that weren’t enough, our Facebook Live discussion on Friday, Feb. 28 will feature Abbajay appearing online to answer your questions and add her thoughts to our dialogue about her book.
If you can’t read this book in time, don’t fear – GovLoop and NextGen will be enjoying five other titles throughout the rest of 2020.
Want the latest news and notes about GovLoop’s book club with Next Gen? Follow along with the tag NextGen Book Club for all our latest updates.

Thanks for sharing, Mark! I’m looking forward to the book club. It’s a great way to start off the year.
I was able to request the book through our agency library. The reading is very accessible, and the questions help keep me focused. Looking forward to the discussion!