
Is Being a Fed A Thankless Job? Maybe Not. Time to Submit Your Sammies Nomination

Ok, let’s get real, you don’t go into a career as a federal worker for the glory and adulation. But sometimes toiling in an all too often thankless job can get tiring. And budget cuts aren’t helping.

But that’s where the Partnership for Public Service’s Service to America Medals come into play. The annual awards are like the Oscars for federal employees.

And now’s the time to nomiate the next batch of Sammies Nominees. You can nominate someone here.

Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at PPS. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program how you can nominate someone from a Sammie award.

“In a climate where all federal employees hear is bad news and federal leaders are limited in what they can and can’t do. Just sending in a nomination cam make all the difference,” said Fox.

Highlights from the 2012 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals Gala from Partnership for Public Service on Vimeo.

Deadline for Nominations is January 4th.

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