To write GovFem articles, we scour the internet daily for the best articles and op-eds about women working in the public sector. While many of those articles end up in our GovFem posts, we unfortunately can’t cover them all in a weekly series. That’s why we created the GovFem Reading List, which highlights the top posts from around the web each month.
This June, we saw articles mainly focusing on women in tech and women in leadership positions. The articles highlighted the gender disparities in tech and leadership roles and offered some creative ways to fix them. Here are the top five articles worth reading from this past month:
The gender gap in the tech sector is not improving and its not because men are just better at tech jobs. This article lays out the research highlighting the gender disparities in the industry, illuminates how crucial women are to the tech sector, and offers solutions that promote fairness and equality.
The odds are stacked against women in tech—they largely make much less than their male counterparts and investor funding hardly ever goes to women-led projects. As a result, men need to step up and start rooting for their female colleagues. Read this article to learn how.
Young female techies don’t have very many female role models to look up to. Despite this, they are still outperforming their male peers in technology and engineering literacy. Investing in the younger generation could be they key to changing the gender disparities in tech.
While I have always dreamed of being the first female president, Hillary Clinton’s clinching the democratic nomination is a huge and hard fought win for female govies. But did you know at least 35 races before the current one have boasted female candidates? Read this article to learn the stories of these trailblazing women.
Sheryl Sandberg and Hillary Clinton are goals for young women everywhere. However, this article suggests that having women in leadership positions should be goals for everyone because of their positive impact on company performance.
And in case you missed them, check out the rest of this month’s GovFem posts:
- Why You Shouldn’t Do the Office Housework
- How to Say No to Office Housework
- 5 Videos Every Woman in Gov Should Watch

Every month, GovFem compiles a list of the top articles about women in government from around the web. If you have an article you think should be included in next month’s reading list, email with your suggestions.
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