
Kind Acts Are Not Always Ignored

Every opportunity to learn about amazing charities in the DC Metro area (or anywhere) is worthwhile!

It’s uplifting to hear the great stories on why the charity exists and how it was carried to fruition. Like many people, there is something you are passionate about — but have you followed through with that passion to stand up and make a statement, help out or bring awareness to the issue. I know I have not, but I’m grateful someone else has.

I personally enjoy listening to the stories behind the charities; take for example Horton’s Kids. On their website it discusses the charity’s origin:

Late one night in 1989, Karin Walser stopped at a Capitol Hill gas station. Quickly, several young children approached her to pump gas in her car for change. A conversation and connection ensued. This late-night scene motivated her to act and take interest in the welfare of her new friends. She began planning weekly activities and outings for the children. Colleagues and other volunteers joined her in supporting the children and their families in the neighborhood. In December of 1991, HKI incorporated as a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation and attained 501(c)(3) status in 1993. In its twentieth year, Horton’s Kids serves more than 150 children and families within Ward 8 of Washington DC.

With this, I am inspired to never take a kind (even the simplest) act for granted. There is always an opportunity to appreciate, reflect and/or help and I thank people like Karin Walser for stepping up to the challenge and running with it.

Talk to people with Horton’s Kids and many other amazing charities at the “Lend a Hand” Happy Hour hosted by GovLoop and the Washington City Paper as we launch this year’s Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area next Thursday evening at Public.

Registration is free and easy — you’re just clicks away!

Grab a (free) drink. Lend a Hand.

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