
Leading from the Middle

Management Minutes With Mika

Good leaders can’t do it alone – building solid relationships throughout your agency and beyond is essential to your supervisory success.

During the latest Mangement Minutes with Mika recording, Mika Cross, Workforce Transformation Expert and Alex Tremble, Author, Leadership Expert and Podcast Host, discussed the top challenges facing middle managers in government today.

Below are a few key takeaways from that discussion, and you can watch the entire video on demand now.

  1. Tremble said one of the top two challenges facing middle management today includes building connections with their team and other leaders. “We all get work done with other people,” he said. “We need to create authentic relationships and trust so we can accomplish our goals.”
  2. The other challenge? Being so mission-focused that you forget about taking care of yourself. “If you don’t find balance, you’ll be running on fumes soon, if you’re not already.”
  3. When it comes to succeeding in the workplace, Tremble had four pieces of advice to offer: find a mentor who can provide advice and strategies, become the type of leader who can lead your team to a goal, get politically savvy to navigate complex relationships, and start networking to get access to people who have resources you need.”
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