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Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects – Stakeholder Partnering (Bios)

John Davis, APWA Representative, City of Denton (
Hi, I’m John Davis.  I work with the City of Denton, TX (just north of the Dallas-Ft. Worth area), as the Director of Engineering Services (we are the City’s “in-house civil engineering and real estate consultants, assisting other City departments with delivering their civil projects).  I joined the City at the first of this year, after living and working most of my life in Florida with local, regional and state governmental agencies, in planning, designing and delivering public works projects; primarily transportation projects during recent years.  I’m taking this course to do my part, as the American Public Works Association’s (APWA’s) representative, in helping to implement EDC-3.  I am honored to be a member of such an august team and looking forward to working with you.

Bernie Kuta, FHWA Resource Center (

I have been asked to participate with the Stakeholder Partnering team as a continuation of my involvement in the Locally Administered Projects innovation effort with ED2. I hope to be able to have sound understanding of how we can get the named innovation mainstreamed with State DOTs and local agencies over the next several years. My position is Construction and Contract Administration Engineer on the RC CPM TST  (Resource Center Construction & Project Management Technical ServiceTeam)  in Colorado. 

Leslie Lahndt, Resource Center (

Jean Mazur, CA Division (

Brian Roberts, NACE Executive Director (

Michael Smith, FHWA Resource Center (
My name is Michael Smith and I work for the Federal Highway Administration at the Resource Center in Atlanta GA.  I would like to gain a better understanding about innovation, technology and the pitfalls of implementation.  I would like to take away a structured process for implementation that can be applied to a variety of technical programs I am involved with.

Robert Wright, HIF-HIPA -40 (

Jeff Zaharewicz, FHWA OTS Technology Partnership Programs (
My name is Jeff Zaharewicz and I am the Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Program (LTAP/TTAP) Manager with the FHWA Office of Technical Services.  I am looking forward to continuing my role on the implementation team for the Stakeholder Partnering initiative with EDC3, and applying what I learn in “Leap Not Creep” to support not only that effort but advancing technology deployment with LTAP/TTAP as well.

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