The First Word in Employee Engagement
When we take on ownership of employee engagement, it helps ourselves as well as our colleagues to feel more involved and less burnt out.
When we take on ownership of employee engagement, it helps ourselves as well as our colleagues to feel more involved and less burnt out.
There is certainly nothing wrong with having expert knowledge and skills in our area, but sometimes shaking things up a bit can do a lot for helping with a fresh perspective and enjoyment. Whether you do something different with your key work skills or take up something on a personal basis, you can reap many… Read more »
Whether it’s a federal government shutdown, planned furloughs, strikes or layoffs, having your income suddenly cut is the type of emergency faced more often by govies. Having some plans in place can get you through having your income drastically cut for a period of time as well as ease the anxiety that goes along with… Read more »
Handwritten notes can go a long way toward strengthening your relationships with others and keeping your network active.
If you were to come by my desk early Wednesday morning, you would have found me listening to the GovLoop State and Local Government Innovators Virtual Summit on my iPhone while I was working on a presentation and messaging with a colleague about an event we were planning. I was also answering emails in betweenRead… Read more »
We disagree with things people say or do all the time. At work we may disagree with a method, an outcome, a piece of data, a decision, what is said, or how something is said. We shouldn’t be afraid to disagree; it is a natural part of good communication. Topics of great importance inspire passionateRead… Read more »
For most of us, traveling on the government’s dime can be pretty exciting. These days, most of us don’t get to travel much anymore. So when we do, we like to make the most of it. Like most things, there is a right way and a wrong way to travel on business. Here are someRead… Read more »
Everybody makes everyday mistakes at work; we send out the wrong letter or jam the copier until it breaks. Although those mistakes aren’t fun, they are also not catastrophic. Epic mistakes are the ones that keep people up at night. An epic mistake can strike out of nowhere, and suddenly your whole world is inRead… Read more »
Staying in the same job for your entire career is not a typical scenario for most government workers, making interviewing for jobs a necessary evil. Believe it or not if you prepare correctly, you can blow away the competition and never again be caught unprepared during an interview. In last week’s post about writing aRead… Read more »
Is your resume ready for prime time, or is it languishing in its folder, just waiting for that day when you grab it for a job application? Are you ready to confidently answer any interview question that comes your way, with results-oriented examples of how your unique skills and characteristics saved the day? One ofRead… Read more »