The Modern-day Resumé – 7 Tips to Consider
Resumes today need to get past automated applicant tracking systems as well as human reviewers. That can be difficult. Here are seven ways to write a successful resume.
Resumes today need to get past automated applicant tracking systems as well as human reviewers. That can be difficult. Here are seven ways to write a successful resume.
Communities of Practice (CoP) are popping up everywhere in my agency. What seemed to me to be a novel approach to learning, sharing and leading, I have discovered is an aged old phenomenon that stems from learning theory. Cognitive anthropologists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger coined the term “community of practice” when studying apprenticeships asRead… Read more »
Whether due to greater flexibility, mass exodus, or values-driven decision making, careers in 2022 are anything but predictable. Since the pandemic, we have learned to re-evaluate our careers either by choice or necessity. According to a study from O.C. Tanner, 48% of employees are considering an industry career change after COVID-19 settles down (if itRead… Read more »
Acting ethically is more than gut instinct. Ask yourself, “Am I doing things right, or am I doing the right things?” Find out how you can have more ethical acumen.
As you approach 2018, remember that you can remove roadblocks and find your niche – even in the midst of change. Discover how you can survive even if your proverbial iceberg is melting. Read these eight tips to get started.
Using the experience of Coach Payton, this blog explores the strength of situational leadership. Leadership is not an all-or-nothing solution. Like coaching, leaders must be flexible and treat each person and situation based on the unique need, talent or circumstance.
As the holidays roll around, it is easy to get lost in time. The fear of missing out (FOMO) may be the companion to the sneaky thief we call procrastination. Read on to find out how.
The age-old argument questions whether leaders are born, developed over time or catapulted into a position of leadership as a result of a situation. Learn more about the trait theory and leadership challenge in this featured blog.
In order to be effective, leaders today must have both style and substance. These traits will help leaders navigate the turbulent waters of government’s ebbs and flows.
Here’s a surprising new way to look at how you set your goals.