A Toolkit for Working in Public Service
The article tries to shine a different light on government workers — one that emphasizes their optimism, ingenuity and collaborative spirit. Here are five rules to adhere by to excel in public service.
The article tries to shine a different light on government workers — one that emphasizes their optimism, ingenuity and collaborative spirit. Here are five rules to adhere by to excel in public service.
Managing projects is no small feat. Here are some “coles notes” or cliff notes to help you get started on your next project management endeavor.
Tired of those meetings that drone on endlessly with no tangibles in sight? Fear not. Here are eight steps to rock your next meeting.
Mental health in the workplace is an increasingly important topic. Mental illness can have devastating effects on productivity.
An effective, planned change management strategy can minimize resistance, increase engagement, improve performance, reduce cost and enhance innovation.
The concept of placing the citizen at the center is known as the human-centered design (HCD). HCD is a design and management framework that develops solutions to problems by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process.
An illustration of the pros and cons to an open office layout and the five key objectives to any effective workplace.
Use this four-step process to evidence-based decision making.
An integrative approach can help build a long-lasting partnership among policy, communications and operations teams.
We are experiencing a shift of thinking and how we do business in government. Public servants are intrapreneurs rather than “lazy” government workers.