Skill Set Diversity: The Key to Increasing Team Productivity
Did you know that teams can be more productive than an individual if they are made up of individuals with complementary skills sets?
Did you know that teams can be more productive than an individual if they are made up of individuals with complementary skills sets?
The next time you’re tasked with coordinating a team meeting to come up with the next big creative innovative idea for your agency, remove all of the chairs from the room.
We need to facilitate women’s identification with their demographic group to help them manage their professional relationships, develop alliances and mentor relationships with other women.
How can you make sure your team is operating at its most productive level?
One of the more difficult transitions in professional life is being promoted to manage a group in which only yesterday you were a fellow team member.
We all want to introduce the next big idea to make a significant contribution to our organizations. But what does that really look like and how do you bring about innovation? Where does the process start?
In a previous blog we discussed three key factors that participants in the Brookings Executive Education (BEE) Women’s Leadership Network (WLN) felt helped them face challenges in the workplace. After a few inquiries we decided to continue that discussion with BEE Executive Director Mary Ellen Joyce, PhD. After five years of WLN, Joyce has heardRead… Read more »
Many of us who have no formal training or background in accounting/finance find ourselves overseeing big budgets. As we continue to advance in our careers the size of those budgets continues to grow, along the expectations and LIABILITIES. Brookings Executive Education (BEE) Finance for Non-Financial Managers course addresses some of the potential pitfalls those ofRead… Read more »
As woman in the workplace it’s hard not to let the double standards and stereotypes of women in power effect how you interact with co-workers and your approach to leadership. According to the Pew Research Center Report, Women and Leadership: Public Says Women are Equally Qualified, but Barriers Persist, the majority of Americans believes womenRead… Read more »
“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” – Epictetus One of the hardest challenges we will ever face in life is our own thinking process. In the workplace how we think about, and react to the responsibilities and expectations placed on us will have a direct effect onRead… Read more »