
Minnesota Shutdown Update

We’re just hours away from the Minnesota government closing it’s doors. While it’s looking bleak that government leaders will come to a consensus and pass a budget a few things ARE looking up thanks to a Minnesota judge.

Yesterday a state judge ruled that Governor Dayton’s austere shutdown plan didn’t include enough essential service to to be legal. With the judges orders the plan has been beefed up so state employees and Minnesota citizens will experience less hardship if the government shuts down tonight.

Also things have become clear on what state workers who are furloughed can expect. State workers will keep full health benefits during a shutdown and will be allowed to apply for unemployment. If a shutdown occurs that could create an influx 23,000 unemployed overnight. As far as getting paid after the shutdown that is still unclear and all employees have to go off of is the 2005 shutdown in Minnesota where employees were paid after the fact.

The new shutdown plan will keep a lot more things open but there are still several key things that will shutdown which will create hurdles for the average citizen.

– You can’t get a new drivers license

– Road construction will only continue if it’s a safety emergency

– You can’t play the lottery

– Rest Stops will be closed on a holiday weekend

– State parks will be closed

– The Zoo will be closed

– People getting aid for childcare will have to make their own arrangements to pay for it

If you want to read more here’s the latest from Politico:

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