
Model or Manual — How should openness at your agency work?

NASA is taking a big leap forward in their quest for more openness. The space agency has just unveiled phase 2 of their open government plan — open government 2.0, if you will. The plan says open government is the responsibility of every person who works at NASA and that the agency takes seriously the principles of participation,collaboration and transparency in all that it does.

That being said, the space agency wants this new plan to be more of a model than a manual. The man behind the openness plan is Nick Skytland. Nick is the Program Manager of the Open Government at NASA. He why it’s important to not view openness through only one spectrum.

Nick Skytland talks NASA Openness plan by cdorobek

How does openness work at your agency? Is it more of a manual or a model? Do you have the freedom to innovate?

NASA’s new openness plan:

To listen to Nick’s full interview you can catch the full radio show at GovLoop Insights or your can subscribe to our itunes channel.

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