
Overcome Common Human Resource Struggles

Growing Edges for the Federal Workforce

Many agencies are struggling to attract employees with technical skills, losing out to private sector companies on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent.

How can agencies fight the battle for recruitment, winning over prime candidates for open roles?

Updating your human resource tools and technology can help agencies rise to the challenge of getting (and keeping) new hires. Siloed data and disconnected systems make HR processes inefficient and inflexible. And when every second matters when it comes to a job offer, slowdowns are unacceptable.

A potential solution? A unified workforce management platform. Did you know this tech can create a common vocabulary by using machine learning to map how different skills relate to one another and evolve over time?

By incorporating this process, HR systems can integrate functions and break down silos among hiring, employee career pathways and training. With everyone speaking the same language and on the same page, they can share candidate pools across the organization and help employees reach career goals by gaining the right new expertise.

Discover more about strengthening and empowering your workforce with this quick infographic, “Growing Edges for the Federal Workforce.”


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