Search Results for: personal brand

A True Tale of Successful Upskilling: How Agencies Can Stay Competitive

At the rapid pace that technology evolves, it’s critical to be prepared and identify areas where employees can grow their skillsets. During GovLoop’s online training Thursday, an expert identified five broad skills to take note of.

A New Job Awaits You

On Tuesday, Jan. 28 and Wednesday, Jan. 29, reStart Events will host hiring and networking events in the D.C. area specially tailored to government employees with security clearances.

April 30 – How to Get Promoted

Getting to that next phase of your career is HARD. In order to move up, you will either need to interview for a brand-new job, or advocate with your manager for a promotion. So, what exactly are the steps to get from where you are now to where you want to be? Join GovLoop, NextGenRead… Read more »

Training – In Person

Filed under: Career

How Thinking Like a Marketer Can Help You Get Things Done

As many of us probably know, it’s not hard coming up with good ideas. The hard part is convincing others to support the ideas you’re proposing. When it comes to change management, having a marketing mindset can help.