Search Results for: research

Cybersecurity Meets Artificial Intelligence

Smart investments today are key to achieving stable footing and maximizing cybersecurity for the future. As you consider the risks and opportunities ahead, artificial intelligence (AI) offers real potential to strengthen cybersecurity operations and defend computer networks.

What to Expect at AI World 2019

AI World Government gathers leaders from across government, technology innovation, business and research to present the state of the practice and state of the technology to assist the public sector in leveraging advanced intelligent technologies to enhance government services.

5 Ways to Build a Personal Brand – And Put it Into Action

Your personal brand is what makes you unique. It is what distinguishes you, and how people remember you. Your personal brand comprises your entire image: It’s how you communicate to the world online and offline to your citizens, your colleagues and your network. Phone conversations, emails you send, the way you conduct meetings—these are allRead… Read more »

Customer Experience Self-Assessment

While government is focused on improving the customer experience (CX), it can be difficult to get an accurate reading on how well your efforts are progressing. You can download this free worksheet to help you better assess the maturity of your agency’s CX program. Each question ties back to the five core functions of aRead… Read more »