Search Results for: Employee Recognition

3 Steps to Inspire Your Team Without Paying Them (Or Without Paying Them More)

As a leader of more than a dozen volunteer organizations and a founder of three not-for-profit organizations, I have extensive experience in trying to motivate people who are extremely talented but aren’t financially reimbursed for their time. In addition, as a supervisor in government work, I know the challenges of inspiring employees who are olderRead… Read more »

5 Benefits of Social Media for Teamwork

What do you think of first when someone says social media? Is it brand awareness or customer service? Is it Facebook or Twitter? But, do you think of TEAMWORK?   Teamwork might be a term that is often tossed casually into the modern business discourse. We speak of teamwork in terms of leadership, employees’ engagement,Read… Read more »

5 Ways to Get More Out of your Committees

Are you an active participant on a committee or are you waiting to be spoon fed? IE are you contributing to the goal or just creating more work for the person who was assigned to hold the spoon? George, Sally, Henry, Heather, and Mike are all on an employee recognition committee.  Heather works in HRRead… Read more »

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace

Aspiring front-line managers often ask me, “What would you do as a front-line manager the first week on the job.” I tell them I would start having conversations with my team members that foster emotional connections. The first questions I would ask my direct reports are, “What is your personality and temperament, what are strengthsRead… Read more »

How do you spark innovation in your agency?

Check out this article for some thoughts: Five Steps to Spark Company Innovation via @prismatic One idea I have seen work in Federal agencies is to: Invest in Team Building and Employee Recognition. It is amazing how creative people can get if they use tools to help stimulate creativity and innovation and how jazzedRead… Read more »

Many state and local government workers (despite cuts the last few years) Report Job Satisfaction

Here’s the stats from the Governing article: Overall, how satisfied are you with your job/working conditions? Response Percentage Very satisfied 38% Somewhat satisfied 40% Somewhat dissatisfied 16% Very dissatisfied 6% Please rate your satisfaction regarding your organization’s performance in providing the following: Rating Very Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Work/life balance 36% 50%Read… Read more »

How Can We Improve Citizen Engagement Initiatives? Here’s 5 Ways.

Citizen participation is at the foundation of democratic values, and is a fascinating area of study. When citizen participation programs are implemented effectively, more citizens are brought into the decision making process, and allows government to be more responsive to community needs. Additionally, citizen engagement initiatives have the ability to build community, grow leaders, andRead… Read more »

…But Do You Respect Your HR Team?

Once viewed as a necessary evil to the organization, today’s effective HR Teams are no longer an organizational obstacle. Do you believe that? Before you answer, check out what employees have said at Google, SAS Southwest Airlines and, yes, even the govies at the Nuclear Regulatory Agency. Today’s global network demands that successful Human ResourcesRead… Read more »