Search Results for: research

Ramp Up Your Job Search Research

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist. Feeling stuck? Job search slowing? Not finding jobs that are really right for you? Go to the library! Runyon’s Corollary: Spending a few hours on the Internet often saves a few minutes in the library. Everything is NOT on the web. But your public library has aRead… Read more »

The Future of Academic Research

Yesterday, Nature – one of the worlds premier scientific journals recognized University of British Columbia scientist Rosie Redfield as one of the top 10 science newsmakers of 2011. The reason? After posting a scathing attack on her blog about a paper that appeared in the journal Science, Redfield decided to attempt to recreate the experimentRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Moore on Researching U.S. State Legislation

David Moore of the Participatory Politics Foundation (PPF) — and a member of our community — has posted Researching U.S. State Legislation, on the VoxPopuLII blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In this post, Mr. Moore discusses, a new, free, open, citizen engagement and transparency service forRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter 01/02/2011

From Data to Decisions (11/30/2011) – The Partnership for Public Service and IBM’s Public Sector Business Analytics and Optimization Practice examined seven programs using analyticsin eight agencies including the Coast Guard, Navy, and Social Security. The report notes common practices of successful efforts, such as leadership commitment, staff having a clear line of sight, andRead… Read more »

DARPA’s Cyber Fast Track Adds Agility to Research Funding

As new attacks and vulnerabilities are being rapidly discovered on expanding defense networks, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has launched a new way to keep pace with attackers with its Cyber Fast Track program to quickly fund cybersecurity research. Cyber Fast Track increases the agency’s agility by looking at unconventional sources, hackers and boutiqueRead… Read more »

MPA Research Survey on Public Sector CMS & Social Media

Please consider taking this survey on website content management systems and social media which I am conducting for independent study as part of my MPA culminating experience/thesis research as a second year graduate student at the University of Memphis in the Division of Public and Nonprofit Administration. My research focus is exploring the impact onRead… Read more »

Are One-on-Ones Necessary for Market Research?

As the government looks for way to save money and improve performance, the topic of adopting best practices for IT acquisitions continues to be at the forefront of the conversation. However, implementing those best practices continue to be challenging, especially in the thought process with one-on-one sessions. When it comes to market research, the governmentRead… Read more »

Summary of Research Regarding Teens Online—The Future of Social

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Summary of Research Regarding Teens Online—The Future of Social The best research on the online world of teens comes from Pew and the experience, while cautionary as to bullying, is not as bad as others have made it out to be. Fifteen percent report online “meanness.” The report shows parents actively involved in theRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter 11/10/2011

Research Apps Culture (11/02/2011) – Adults have doubled their app downloads to cell phones in the past two years, according to a PEW survey. Overall, apps that provide regular updates about everyday information (news, weather, sports, or stocks) and those that help people communicate are the most commonly downloaded. Growing Mobile (11/07/2011) – ARead… Read more »

Virtual Assistants Can Do Market Research for Govies

A few weeks ago, I wrote about virtual assistants for govies. To see if the concept was worth pursuing, I decided to use a test — see if a virtual assistant could do simple market research in a fictional situation. I send this on 10/5/11 to my virtual assistant. Find me two vendors on GSARead… Read more »