Search Results for: personal brand

How to Network if You’re Shy

You can’t avoid networking, but you can make it easier on yourself as a shy or introverted person. Here are five tips to make networking more comfortable for you, which in turn will increase your chances of doing it well and getting the most out of it.

What’s Your Game?

Troy Mathis knows how to talk. And he speaks in a way that makes you want to listen. His session -Make It Matter: Personal Professional Branding, at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit was high-energy, engaging, and inspiring. After listening to his presentation and going through the steps, I’ve come away with the realizationRead… Read more »

Networking to Build Coalitions

Do you have anyone in your life that will speak the truth to you? I’m speaking of unfiltered, unadulterated facts…Well NextGen speaker, Mary Abbajay of the Career Stone Group experienced a dose of “truth serum” when her sister explained, “ No one offers you anything because you’re not nice.” This pivotal moment became the startingRead… Read more »

Marketer, Analyze Thyself

You see us as you want to see us – in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.” – Brian Johnson (Anthony Michael Hall), “The Breakfast Club” As a child growing up in the ’80s I wanted very badly to be cooler than I was. Although looking back I can’t imagine why. Look at thisRead… Read more »

On The Incredible Gift Of Being Misunderstood

It happened a few years ago. And as usual I was fully unprepared. “I do all the work. I take it all on. And I never say anything,” she whispered, trying not to have our office neighbors hear. A long time ago I had a manager who said, “At work you should have Valium and someRead… Read more »

What You Need To Know About LinkedIn Publisher

Do you want to get more visibility on LinkedIn? Recruiters, potential business partners, and possible leads are searching LinkedIn for people like you – is your profile being found? LinkedIn isn’t just a static site to post your resume or search for jobs, and it’s not just a virtual Rolodex. It’s become a social networkRead… Read more »

The ‘Strategy’ Behind My New Twitter Handle

It’s sort of funny that authenticity would be a strategy for social media, since authenticity is supposed to be the reason social media exists and the purpose of doing it. Just goes to show how the values of a culture interrupt genuine expression and contort them toward whatever the dominant value system is. In America,Read… Read more »


That elusive, incredibly valuable quality we call a “leadership brand.” Really, what we mean is “charisma.” What is it? Who has it? How do you get it? Can it be taught, or bought? Or is it something you’re born with? As a little girl I used to watch Sunday morning political TV. I remember howRead… Read more »