Search Results for: personal brand

Privacy, Shmivacy

My childhood was a Seinfeld script. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing’s wrong.” “Something’s wrong, I can tell.” “No, nothing.” “You’re being evasive. She’s being evasive.” “Really, I’m fine.” “Look at her, she’s like a ghost. Did somebody at school say something to you?” “Look, I don’t want to talk about it.” “A-ha! So something did happen.” “Please, just let me be. I wantRead… Read more »

20 Tips for Effective Networking

There is arguably no more important skill for government career growth than networking. And doing it well can be the difference between landing a promotion or big project and being stuck in place. Here are 20 networking tips to get you started: Practice: Especially if you are shy, or have trouble speaking about yourself, practiceRead… Read more »

Back to School: Tapping Your Alumni Network

We are a few weeks into the new school year, with all the back to school shopping and morning bus rides that come with it. Going back to school isn’t just for students, though. As students, those schools gave us the skills we need. As professionals, our alumni networks are a tremendous professional resource. TheRead… Read more »

It’s Not What You Say…8 Tips for Improving your Professional Writing

Do people dread having to read your reports, proposals, memos or other missives? Are your PowerPoint presentations snoozers? Improving your business-writing skills not only helps you look more professional in your industry or profession, it can also help you get more approvals for trips, staff, equipment or funding. Improving your business writing skills is anotherRead… Read more »

7 Steps to Get Good at Networking

Whether or not you’re looking for a new job, it’s a good idea to keep building, strengthening and maintaining your professional network to help you improve your stature in your field and help you get more done by gaining access to more resources. In terms of a job search, many of the best jobs areRead… Read more »

Six Steps to Evaluating Your Skill Set

Looking to move up the ladder in your career? It’ll be necessary to develop a professional skill set to help you get there. When was the last time you took a hard look at your overall professional skill set? While your current mix of education, training and experience might be serving you well in theRead… Read more »

Job Search Techniques from the Internet’s Favourite Pets

As most of you are aware, I’m an HR guy. So I read a lot of articles relating to recruitment and job searching techniques. Last week I came across this one on Mashable by Afifa Siddiqui titled ““Job Search Techniques from the Internet’s Favourite Pets”. Really, who doesn’t like looking at Grumpy Cat memes? IRead… Read more »

Fall 2013 Cleared Job Fair Schedule

Our Fall Cleared Job Fair schedule: Sept 5 – Springfield, Va Oct 1 – Tysons Corner, Va Oct 24 – BWI, Md Nov 21, – Crystal City, Va 98% of Cleared Job Seekers Recommend Cleared Job Fairs We survey the job seekers who attend Cleared Job Fairs in an effort to continually improve customer serviceRead… Read more »

Employee Retention Doesn’t Just Happen

What employee retention strategies do you use to engage and retain employees? Statistics from research done by the labor bureau show that the average American will hold around 11.3 jobs during their working years. The average number of jobs held is actually going up- especially with Millennials. Eleven may seem like a really high numberRead… Read more »