Search Results for: research

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Investment decision-making (12/2010) –The Investment Management Standard is theVictorian Government’scommon-sense approach to shaping investments and making investment decisions. The underlying principles of the Standard include: a focus on the investment benefits (as opposed to finding solutions to a problem), use of plain language, simple concepts and transparency. Transforming Government (07/2011) – Governments across EuropeRead… Read more »

New Research Report on Social Media and Congress

We’re glad to share this research report from Brad Fitch at the Congressional Management Foundation: “The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) today released the first study of congressional staff views of social media, and how it is being used by C Original post

Database Research Pioneer Michael Stonebreaker

I just received an update from data base research and technology pioneer Michael Stonebreaker and will be using insights from the conversation to inform a few coming posts here at (including a coming one on his newest pursuit, VoltDB), but first wanted to provide a digital introduction to Michael. I first met him inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Guide for Public Participation (07/2011) – The Welsh government’s ‘how to’ guide for public engagement practitioners leads officials from the beginning of the planning process through the evaluation of the activity. It also includes a template to help them plan and think through the engagement. Mobile Trends (07/2011) – A new report predictsRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Lessons Learned from Around the World (06/07/2011) – The World Economic Forum’s report on the future of governmentlooks at the major challenges facing governments and the need for them to adapt to rapidly changing conditions and citizens’ expectations. The report recommends that governments become flatter, agile, streamlined and tech-enabled (FAST). Canadians most tech hungry(06/24/2011) –Read… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Innovation in Canada (05/19/2011) – A new report from Deloitte reveals the challenges facing Canada’s public service and the measures being taken to innovate. Recommendations for improvement include embracing public service innovation as a core part of strategy, sharing best practices and investing in transformational leaders. Guide for Local Governments (06/17/2011) – eRepublic’sRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Social networking sites and our lives (06/06/2011) – A new PEW study looks at the social impact of technology examining how people’s trust, personal relationships, and civic and political involvement are connected to their use of social network sites and other technologies. One of the striking things found in the data was how proudRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter 06/16/2011

Research ‘Big Data’ (05/2011) A new report by McKinsey Global Institute, Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition and productivity, looks at the explosive growth of digital information and its potential uses. The report identified five ways big data adds value, including creating transparency, improving performance, and innovating new services. Seven Management Imperatives (06/04/2011)Read… Read more »

Research and Best practices eNewsletter

Research Minorities Fuel Twitter Growth (01/01/2011) – Thirteen percent of U.S. adults online use Twitter, according to a study from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. Minorities are likely to play an increasingly important role in the service’s expansion, as 25% of online African Americans tweet, compared with 9% of non-Hispanic whiteRead… Read more »

Designing Digitally, Inc. Wins 2011 Air Force Research Lab Virtual World Contract

Teaching students how to build airplanes, robots and simulations is serious business, but Designing Digitally, Inc. plans to make it a game — literally. Designing Digitally, Inc., the web-based training firm that specializes in E-learning, virtual worlds, and 3D simulations, was recently awarded a 2011 Air Force Virtual World contract from the United States AirRead… Read more »