Search Results for: social media mentor

6 Tips to Get Ahead in Gov

Dave Uejio, Acting Chief Strategy Officer of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), gave us a hard truth at today’s Next Generation of Government Summit. He said, “There are barriers in place that preclude us from reaching our potential.” In government, he continued, this can be particularly true. Especially if you’re a woman or racialRead… Read more »

Summer Reading List for Success in the Public Sector

This summer, rather than dragging out the insipid beach-friendly reads with sand in their spines, why not bone up on practical skills and knowledge that can help you in your work? Many of these books are so brand-spankin’ new that I haven’t had a chance to read them yet. If this list isn’t enough, check last year’sRead… Read more »

Professional Development on a Shoestring

When your workload grows and your budget shrinks, professional development often gets pushed to the back burner.  Here are some ideas about finding training and development opportunities despite the obstacles. Updating Your Individual Development Plan (IDP) – There are a variety of ways government employees make use of development plans, and not all processes are ofRead… Read more »

GovLoop Summer Fellowship Program – Come work with us!

The weather is finally getting nice in DC and spring/summer is right around the corner (cue Olaf to share all the reasons why summer is the best).  That means here at GovLoop, we’re hiring for our summer fellowship cohort! We’re looking for bright, hard-working current or recent graduate students to help create valuable resources for our awesome members.Read… Read more »


Early Navigation When I discovered GovLoop 5 years ago, I had no idea that it would become one of my favorite communities on the web.  As a government outsider, I stumbled onto GovLoop as a graduate student navigating the changing Presidential Management Fellowship application process in the fall of 2010. It was one of theRead… Read more »

We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready

As the Digital Era continues to progress, social and digital technologies will become more fully integrated into not just the work we do, but how we do it. Although external applications such as marketing, sales, and customer service have dominated adoption activities and discussions to date (particularly in the context of consumer goods and services),Read… Read more »

Building Partnerships For Women’s Advancement

Whether you’re excelling in your career or facing discrimination at work, it’s good have a community to support your efforts. As a woman in government, fostering diverse partnerships is crucial to bolstering your career. We spoke with Jill Melnicki, a technology consultant for state and local governments, on the need for professional women to developRead… Read more »

The Rise of the Millennials

It was not the lead headline on local news feeds and barely made a ripple in the national press. Yet last month, at least according to the US Census Bureau, millennials, 75.3 million strong are now the country’s largest generation outnumbering Boomers who slipped to second place among generations at 74.9 million. While most ofRead… Read more »

Gov Should Hire & Promote More “Moses Managers”

All employees want great managers, yet not everyone is fortunate enough to enjoy that luxury. But what really makes an awesome manager? Some people say that an inclusive and positive can-do management style is best to promote leadership and productivity. Others argue it’s more effective for a manager to use fear tactics to get resultsRead… Read more »