Search Results for: cio

Meet GovLoop’s Featured Bloggers!

Last month, we put out a call for our eighth round of GovLoop Featured Bloggers – and you responded with amazing enthusiasm. People from all walks of government and industry life sent in great ideas for posts, about everything from technology challenges in city government to using Twitter to monitor food safety in your city…. Read more »

Effective Cyber Strategies for a New Threat Landscape

In a recent interview, Anthony Lauro, Senior Enterprise Security Architect at Akamai, a content delivery network and cloud computing services provider, shared how organizations can build new, more effective cybersecurity strategies to combat growing threats.

Data in a Flash – Storage Done Smart

Federal agencies are under great pressure to optimize infrastructure to better support mission performance and resilience. To do that, the engines that power information processing – the federal datacenters – need to leverage innovation to achieve speed, increase security, density and reduce power consumption.

Cook County Takes An Organizational Approach to Cybersecurity

It’s hard to imagine that just a few years ago Cook County, Ill., – the second most populous county in the country – had no centralized management strategy or directive for its various agencies’ IT security protocols and tools. Today, the county has both a central security office within its Department of Homeland Security and… Read more »

(Un)Happy Equal Pay Day!

Yesterday was Equal Pay Day. If you aren’t familiar with the holiday, the title alone might have made you think it was a fun holiday celebrating women having equal opportunity. Who doesn’t love getting cash money, right? Actually, Equal Pay Day is a bit of a downer. It’s defined by the federal government as “theRead… Read more »