Search Results for: personal brand

The need for social media training is larger than ever

I had the honor of chatting with the Boston SPIN group yesterday during their monthly meeting. The group, primarily engineering minded professionals, developers, QA, project managers, turned out to hear me discuss the topic of extending thought leadership positions via social media. Now, to be honest with you, I had expected to have a smallRead… Read more »

Interested in Being at the Tip of the Spear? Be Prepared for…

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” Over the last three years, I’ve met a lot of people who are their organization’s social media evangelist, lead, POC, pioneer, ninja, guru, etc., and I’ve met many others who are aspiring to take on that role. Hell, I even wrote my last postRead… Read more »

Privacy and The Thousand Tiny Knives

In privacy management, it’s the major data breaches that grab the big headlines. In personal brand management, it’s the high profile embarrassments resulting from carelessness, ignorance and poor judgment that capture public attention. Janine Krieber, Nathalie Blanchard, Stephen Fry, Tiger Woods… who’ll be next? Not you, certainly. For most of us, risks to our privacyRead… Read more »

Best of GovLoop 2009: A Dozen Dynamite Blog Posts

One of our GovLoop Rockstars, Amanda Blount, took a close look at the blogs from 2009 to unearth the biggest gems – posts that sparked comment or controversy or that just got us talking about key topics in government. Here are her picks (and we agree – these were some of the standouts!). __________________ DuringRead… Read more »

Initiating a Corporate Social Media Presence – Unleash Your Inner Star Power

Social Media’s a scary animal, especially for companies or organizations that are accountable to stakeholders, policy, law or any other governing entity that exists to mitigate risk. Also, social media is an online collaboration channel and tools domain that’s most appropriately and effectively utilized by humans, i.e. individual personalities (preferably employees) – vs. corporate personasRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 5 (final) (#blogpotomac)

12:00 pm matterhornpat: was fun to watch @netsolcares super bowl coup #blogpotomac 12:00 pm amandachapel: #BLOGPOTOMAC UPDATE via @AlbrightDC “Drinking in the afternoon. Quite the unconference. They even have Magic Hat.” (Ya can’t make this up.) 12:00 pm maggielmcg: @DeirdreReid I was supposed to go but mom guilt won out. I’m glad I went toRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 4 (#blogpotomac)

10:45 am bRCGST: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad 10:46 am clairethomey: #blogpotomac is starting up again after lunch and networking break. 10:46 am nathanbetz: RT @MktgJobsDC: …spammers jumping in on #blogpotomac. Check out this great article on real-time twitter spam. 10:46 am sliqviq: @LYF108 getting a shot out atRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 3 (#blogpotomac)

8:15 am johnrhopkins: @scottmonty You are the only Social Media person in a company of 200k, how do you make time to speak at #blogpotomac ? 8:15 am mammaloves: For social media to succeed, you need support from senior leadership. Not just check PR box. (paraphrase) @scottmonty #blogpotomac 8:15 am 4GreenPs: @scottmonty Social media atRead… Read more »

Cheap Training Tip #2: A Picture is Worth a Bunch of Words

What’s your Leadership Brand? I used this activity mid-way through a leadership program to give participants an opportunity to evaluate their strengths and leadership qualities. The premise is simple: each of us has a unique “brand” or style of leadership. Of course what we may “think” our style of leadership is and what others seeRead… Read more »