Search Results for: social media mentor

Meet GovLoop’s Featured Bloggers!

Last month, we put out a call for a new set of community bloggers – and you responded with vigor. Over 50 people from all walks of government and industry life sent in great ideas for posts, about everything from technology challenges in city government to using Twitter to monitor food safety in your city.Read… Read more »

Consider the Roles Your Content is Playing Before Determining Its Success

“Can’t see the forest for the trees” –> An expression used of someone who is too involved in the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole. Remember this scene in Major League (great movie, BTW) when Willie Mays Hays keeps trying to hit the ball out of the park evenRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized

7 Simple To Dos for Rookies to Enhance Their LinkedIn Profile

To some people it may seem rather ridiculous to share this kind of guidance in 2014, but judging from the anemic LinkedIn profiles I view on a daily basis, it’s clear that it’s advice people still need. I know everyone is busy, but if how they represent themselves as professionals is important to them (andRead… Read more »

GovLoop Accepting Applications for Summer 2014 Graduate Fellowship Program

Over the past 3 years, GovLoop has hosted a Graduate Fellowship Program in which current or recent graduate students and recent graduates have joined us for a semester or more to contribute to our mission to “connect government to improve government.” More than 30 Fellows have worked on several of our core projects, including ourRead… Read more »

GovLoop Blog

Filed under: Career

Is the Entitlement Generation Really Entitled?

Spoiled. Uncooperative. Impatient. Lazy. These are just a few words used to describe who some have deemed the “entitlement generation” – often called Millennials or Gen Y or even Generation C. Sure, with stories like the 18-year old girl who is suing her parents for financial support flying around the web, is anyone really surprised?Read… Read more »

10 Reasons Why Government Training Is About to Be Completely Disrupted

I just finished reading a brand new report released by Katie Parris and Mario Morino of the Morino Institute entitled, “Just in Time: The Beyond-the-Hype Potential of E-Learning” – and I plan to give it a re-read sometime soon! If you are interested in advancing your career or are responsible for helping others to doRead… Read more »

Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions for Uncle Sam: #1 Fostering Diversity Gov-wide

Every New Year brings with it new challenges, goals, expectations and high hopes. This is important not only in our private lives but also in our work lives – especially as the two continue to mesh in the fast evolving 21st century workplace. With this in mind, my Top 3 recommended New Year’s resolutions forRead… Read more »

In 2014, let’s get digital skills out of the classroom

One early morning the other week, I was in the office sorting out evaluation forms from six of the digital skills courses our team had delivered over the last few days. Responses to ‘How would you rate X as a facilitator?’, ‘Did the course meet its objectives?’, ‘What three things will you take away fromRead… Read more »

Why I Joined a Civic Startup

I am proud to be a part of a civic startup. After working with big government contractors for over five years, I knew the business of government. Several months ago I began looking for new career opportunities. I wanted to continue working with government, but I wanted to actually make a difference. In my jobRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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The Rights and Performance Culture Clash – Part Three with Martha Johnson

“At GSA I encountered an insidious war between the Rights government and the Performance government.” – Martha Johnson. Back in the 1800s the US passed legislation that created the civil service. The objective of the legislation was change the civil service from a rewards system where you got your job just if you voted forRead… Read more »