Search Results for: work-life balance

Using Data to Find Your Perfect Federal Agency

In the private sector, you wouldn’t join a new company without first looking at their workplace culture, right? Of course not! You want to be happy, supported, and provided with opportunities to grow, so you do your research before accepting an offer. However, you might think of government – particularly the federal government – asRead… Read more »

All I Want for Christmas is to Feel Valued

Perhaps you’re wondering what to give your millennial coworkers this holiday season. Is it the latest gadget? A great book? Truth be told, what we actually need the most this season is something money can’t buy. I know you hear it in all the latest millennial posts on tips to keep the generation engaged andRead… Read more »

4 Steps to Being a Better Boss for Your Multigenerational Workforce

With baby boomers restlessly pacing at retirement’s door, it’s critical to plan now for the significant talent gap that lies ahead. Right now, your workforce is likely made up of multiple generations bringing different traits to the table. It’s critical to take advantage of this multigenerational makeup before baby boomers retire and transition out of… Read more »

Lessons from Govie Leads on TV

The gender gap in government is slowly narrowing. One thing we have to thank for that is the increasing number of female role models in government we’re seeing in the media, particularly on our favorite shows. While the characters are far from perfect, and in some cases far from reality, they depict real women strivingRead… Read more »

5 Moments of Learning Need

How many times have you read something, or taken a training, and almost immediately forgotten what you learned? Don’t feel too bad! The fact of the matter is that we lose 77% of what we learned within 48 hours. Fortunately, there are proven ways to help you retain knowledge. Research from Bob Mosher & ConradRead… Read more »

An Engagement Bridge to Nowhere

Last month in response to a Congressional request, the General Accounting Office released Report GAO-15-585 under their Federal Workforce section entitled “Additional Analysis and Sharing of Promising Practices Could Improve Employee Engagement and Performance.” The GAO was asked to review how the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) was doing in improving federal employee engagement. TheRead… Read more »

Managing Stress in the Workplace: 3 Steps to Refill Your Resilience Tank

Stress in the workplace is always a hot topic. The normal day to day pressures of the job along with the new accepted norm of doing more with less has taken the expectation of performing under pressure to new levels.When I was looking for real solutions on how to handle stress in the workplace IRead… Read more »

Succeeding in Government Work: Lessons Learned from Leslie Knope

In case you missed it, NBC’s Parks and Recreation aired its final episode this year after seven seasons of inspirational and hilarious tales of city government workers in small-town America. Leslie Knope (as played by Amy Poehler) – my favorite character and one of my government heroes – is the Deputy Director of the ParksRead… Read more »

Confronting the M Word

Last week, we kicked off the blog series by addressing why we need millennials in public service. This week, let’s talk about how to tackle some harmful stereotypes. We already know that people can cringe at the “M word”- millennials. By this point, you’ve probably heard all about why millennials get a bad rep. We’reRead… Read more »