Search Results for: cio

When Open Data is Not Enough

Open data may not be sufficient to solve some of our toughest social problems. Skilled data professionals working with government officials and neighborhood stakeholders in partnership to develop new solutions requires good data, but also trust.

Why Building a Winning Talent Pool isn’t a “Slow Cooker” Process

Such demands can drain time and resources. But they don’t have to – not when you deploy talent management analytics solutions as part of your plan. Analytics tools enable you to maximize the value of all of the informational “treasures” residing within your pool’s data, such as names, personal interests, employment history, professional accomplishments/goals, contact… Read more »

Bridging Cultural Divides with Multi-Lingual Websites

The global reach of the Internet makes it more imperative that communicators from every industry and organizations of all sizes create multi-lingual websites. Meeting your web audience in their language has never been more important. All aspects of translation and localization—from development and design to content creation and project management—are much more manageable these days. Translation Management Software (TMS) coupled with Content ManagementRead… Read more »

A New President’s Preparation-Crash Course

This interview is part of a new DorobekINSIDER mini series with experts looking to help shape a management platform for the new administration. Check out all of the stories in the new series, Good Government Management, here.  Have you ever taken a crash course? You know-those courses that tell you the need-to-knows so that youRead… Read more »

How to Develop Your Personal Brand

“So, tell me about yourself.” It should be the easiest question in any job interview. But surprisingly, many of us completely fumble our answers. Maybe it’s because we’re young and just starting out in our professional journeys, so there isn’t much to tell yet. Or maybe it’s because we really don’t know how we defineRead… Read more »

How Analytics Is Driving Cyber Operations at DISA

Analysts can work more efficiently now because they aren’t flooded with a sea of security alerts that realistically can’t all be addressed at the same time. Using analytics, they can prioritize anomalies and understand what data is leaving the network in an unauthorized way.