Search Results for: research

To Climb The Career Ladder, You Have To Know The Rungs

I realize we have hundreds of civil service classifications throughout our state, and our governing department is attempting to consolidate or eliminate hundreds of said classifications. At some point, the madness has to stop. With that said, I thought I would take the time this week to spotlight some of the more popular classifications.

How to Agree to Disagree With Coworkers (Especially When It Comes to Politics)

As the presidential election nears, talking with your coworkers has gotten increasingly treacherous. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, independent, or undecided voter, in order to not make enemies at work, you need to learn how to agree to disagree.

Read This Before You Volunteer for a Clinical Trial (and Then Sign Up)

The fact that I’ve decided to volunteer for a second trial apparently is not uncommon; data show that 95 percent of individuals who participated in a clinical trial would consider enrolling in another. But the fact that I chose to participate in even one clinical trial does make me somewhat unusual.

NIST Password Guidelines and Microsoft got Password Security Wrong (Part 1)

Security or convenience is no longer an acceptable trade-off when it comes to cybersecurity. They must be mutually inclusive, otherwise employees will circumvent security for their own personal convenience. NIST and Microsoft understands this to a degree, but in the latest NIST Password Guidelines SP 800-63-3 the recommendations favors password convenience over password security.