Search Results for: cio

Meeting the Demand: How Gov Can Improve Citizen Engagement through Digital Branding

More than 60% of adults say they would like to conduct more government transactions online. To meet this growing need, government is stepping up its digital services game. But while creating engaging citizen services across multiple channels is an important goal, it’s easier said than done. Fortunately, there are state and local governments seeing successRead… Read more »

The American Indian/Alaska Native Disadvantage

The Office of Personnel Management released my agency’s engagement scores for 2015 last week and for the second year in a row, Asian Americans are the highest engaged group of employees by race at 72%. For the 7th year in a row, my group, American Indians/Alaska Natives had the lowest engagement levels by race ofRead… Read more »

Securing the Perimeter Before A Cyber Attack

“There are two kinds of CIOs: ones who have been hacked and know it, and those that have been hacked and don’t realize it yet. But the reality is, you’ve been hacked.” This is a startling statement from Tony Scott, the CIO of the Office of Management and Budget, that emphasizes the massive cyberthreat toRead… Read more »

The Role of People in Government IT

Refer to the first post from the same conference, here. Much of talk about IT focuses on how IT is a fast-paced and ever-evolving movement. In all the hustle and bustle of government IT, we tend to forget that the role of people plays an incredibly important part. Christopher Dorobek sat down with a panelRead… Read more »

The “Slow Evolution” of IT

If you’re anything like me, you’re pretty overwhelmed with the never-ending commercials concerning the newest updates, systems, and innovations the IT world sends out. We are inundated with more and more. It seems the IT world is constantly evolving – but is that the reality? On December 18th, 2014 Christopher Dorobek sat down with aRead… Read more »

Strategic Federal Human Capital Management – Security

With security threats facing virtually every federal institution, the vulnerability of federal agencies is top of mind of our federal government leaders. The threats are exacerbated due to the fact that many government agencies use older, legacy systems that were not designed to resist today’s threats. These systems not only increase vulnerability to computer attacks,… Read more »

Government Contracting – a Risky Business?

When the market is down, it’s down –but we all believe it will come back again…eventually. But what does it mean when the government is down? And aside from federal employees, where does that leave government contractors? To answer that question, Richard LaFleur, leader of Grant Thornton’s Government Contracts Practice, sat down with Christopher DorobekRead… Read more »

The Future of the Internet of Everything in Government

This interview is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, What the Internet of Things Means for the Public Sector, which explores insights and best practices into how government is using automated machine-to-machine transactions and implementing IoT in the public sector. At its essence, the Internet of Everything (IoE) is the connection of people, processes, data and things overRead… Read more »