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Academia Helps Cities Define Their Smart Cities Strategies


Public sector leaders need all the help that they can get in defining their Smart Cities strategy. With programs like the Smart Cities Innovation Accelerator by Harvard, it’s clear that academia is leading the way in offering this guidance.

This Agency Saved Data and Reduced Costs by Modernizing its Storage

Data management is one of the biggest challenges agencies face. We take a look at a particular agency that wanted to reduce its reliance on tape storage.

Open Source as the Driver for DevSecOps

Given the advance of cyberattacks and security issues throughout government today, this focus on security needs to continue – and it makes it more important than ever that security teams are incorporated into the DevOps culture that is developing. This leads to DevSecOps – meaning thinking about application and infrastructure security from the start.

Hyperconnected City Index: Unlock Value from Your Smart Cities Investments

Businesses and urban residents are embracing technological innovation faster than many cities can react. With digital change happening in hyper-speed, urban leaders need to act now to bridge the technology gap between their cities and stakeholders.