Search Results for: cio

Wide Open Spaces

A recent Federal News Radio Online Survey shows feds are not keen on open office spaces. Most prefer to work in offices where they can close their doors, as many complaints involve lower productivity due to more distractions. While feds are less likely to enjoy their offices with low or no partitions separating them fromRead… Read more »

A Secure Cloud Starts with Zero Trust

Securing data is tough these days. In this age of data proliferation, attacks are becoming more advanced and securing the network perimeter is more difficult than ever. As agencies adopt mobile and cloud technologies the network edge becomes harder to identify, and harder to protect. Agencies are left struggling with how to secure environments where classified data residesRead… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: Cloud

Staying Secure with 50 Billion Devices

Conservative estimates predict there will be more than 50 billion devices connected to the internet by 2020. That’s more than one internet enabled device per-person on the planet. “This smart technology is the fastest growing technology in history,” said Peter Romness, Cybersecurity Lead for US Public Sector, Cisco. “But with every additional device comes increased securityRead… Read more »

Why Your Account Might Be Compromised and What You Can Do About It

Throughout the second quarter of 2015, the Center for Internet Security’s Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) noted a significant increase in the number of account compromises impacting state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) governments. What can you do to help minimize these account compromises?

Strategic Federal Human Capital Management – Employee Engagement

Acendre’s blueprint for improving federal employee engagement utilizes data and people analytics to augment the “people interaction” piece of employee engagement. People analytics allows agencies to glean the information that spots trends, identifies opportunities and calls out problem areas for correction. A key area of focus and expertise for Acendre is business intelligence and analytics… Read more »

10 of the Funniest Yelp Reviews of Government

If you somehow haven’t heard of Yelp, it’s a website and app where anyone can review just about anything. People mostly seem to head to Yelp when they’re busting to share their glowing praise or their boiling rage. Now, as announced by DigitalGov, Yelp has a terms of service for official government use. Agencies can claim orRead… Read more »

How To Deliver Feedback Without Sounding Like A Jerk

One of the toughest parts of being a manager is delivering constructive feedback to your employees. You have to strike a delicate balance between putting them on the defensive, and being so vague that your feedback doesn’t sink in. How do you make sure your feedback gets heard – and taken to heart? Much dependsRead… Read more »

The Aftermath of the OPM Hack

When news first broke of the OPM hack back in June, few understood the massive scale of the attack. Originally thought to have affected 4 million federal employees, estimates quickly rose to over 22 million impacted. Since that time, government agencies have scrambled to shore up their cyberdefenses and OPM has worked to provide identityRead… Read more »

Big Changes Are Coming to Federal IT — Are you Ready?

Change isn’t easy, especially when people are involved. It gets even harder when you add to that mix more than $80 billion worth of information technology resources — scattered across multiple program offices, bureaus and departments. That’s how government has operated for decades. But sweeping reforms passed by Congress in December call for an endRead… Read more »

Why We Just Can’t Agree On “Alphabet”

A question about why Google would defocus attention from their tremendously valuable name and initiate a whole new one prompted me to write a blog post yesterday and some additional thoughts today. Here’s the original question on Quora with a link to all the current answers. For the convenience of my fellow “brand geeks,” please see the follow-upRead… Read more »