Search Results for: research

10 Business Lessons from the Batting Cage

Are you afraid of failure? We all have a little fear of missing an opportunity, losing a promotion to the competition or just getting stuck in a dead-end job. Instead of complaining about your problems, reuse that energy to move around the field so you can get a home run type of job.

Finding FITARA Success With Better Governance

Billions more could be saved, the report states, if agencies consolidated more federal data centers, better planned their cloud-based computing solutions, imposed stronger investment oversight of information technology operations and maintenance, and better managed their IT investment portfolios.

How to Say No to Office Housework

It’s never easy to tell your boss “no” and it’s even harder when your reason for refusing is that ask is unconsciously discriminatory. So, how do you say no to those requests without damaging your work relationships or professional reputation?