Search Results for: cio

Better Data, Better Decisions

In the Next Generation of Government Training Summit session, “Analyzing Data to Make Better Decisions,” Kirsten Dalboe, MGMT Cube Program Manager at DHS, and Gray Brooks, Senior API Strategist at GSA, shared their successes with using data to improve performance and efficiency. Kirsten was the “data scientist” behind the DHS Management Cube, which integrates financial,Read… Read more »

Networking to Build Coalitions

Do you have anyone in your life that will speak the truth to you? I’m speaking of unfiltered, unadulterated facts…Well NextGen speaker, Mary Abbajay of the Career Stone Group experienced a dose of “truth serum” when her sister explained, “ No one offers you anything because you’re not nice.” This pivotal moment became the startingRead… Read more »

Homophily (That Means Love of Same) OK for Dating, But Not for Mentoring

I’m white, Jewish and male. If I behaved like sociologists expect, most of my mentors would be “like” me. But I don’t. The lion’s share of my mentors are black, female and of a different faith than I. Though I’ve never personally been the subject of research on homophily —the tendency of individuals to associateRead… Read more »

NextGen Public Service Awards Winners

Why are you a public servant? That’s the question we asked the thirty NextGen Public Service Awards finalists. Their responses were inspirational and show why they were nominated by their peers, for their dedication to improving and invigorating government. We compiled them into this video that we played for over 200 govies the last nightRead… Read more »

Government Prepares for the New IP: Insights from the Federal Forum 2015

Last month at the Federal Forum in Washington, D.C., I joined Brocade’s industry partners and the government’s leading IT decision makers to discuss how new, exciting technologies are changing the way our government serves the American citizenry, enables warfighters and meets the demands of a growing list of stakeholders. We heard from an impressive groupRead… Read more »

Marketer, Analyze Thyself

You see us as you want to see us – in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.” – Brian Johnson (Anthony Michael Hall), “The Breakfast Club” As a child growing up in the ’80s I wanted very badly to be cooler than I was. Although looking back I can’t imagine why. Look at thisRead… Read more »

Silicon Valley: Give Gov a Digital Reboot

Attention Silicon Valley talent: “Uncle Sam” wants YOU! That is, to help reinvent government via mass digitalization of citizen-facing services across the sprawling federal bureaucracy. Several generations ago, in January 1961, President John F. Kennedy famously stated in his inaugural address: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you canRead… Read more »

How to Procrastinate the Smart Way

Wait – a guide on how to procrastinate? Yep, you read that right. Procrastination doesn’t always have to mean checking Facebook or rearranging your desk for the fiftieth time. Almost all of us have the tendency to procrastinate from time to time, but the most successful among us have learned to harness that powerful instinct forRead… Read more »

Bad News Data

GovLoop’s online training addressed the concept of “bad data” with a panel of experts: Bobby Caudill, Global Industry Marketing, U.S. Public Sector, Informatica Murthy Mathiprakasam, Principal Product Marketing Manager, Informatica Lori Walsh, Chief, Center for Risk and Quantitative Analysis, U.S. Security and Exchange Commission Titled “Beware Bad Data”, this webinar highlighted how modern technology and tools areRead… Read more »

“Skinny Oreos,” Broken Brand

Brand Essence: Noun. A feeling. The instinctive, unconscious emotional reaction people have whenever they encounter you. Today I learned that Oreos are going on a diet. Despite the fact that 50% of Oreo consumers split the cookie apart before eating it, the Associated Press reports, there will soon be a new version called “Oreo Thins”Read… Read more »