Search Results for: cio

CFPB and its Lean Startup

Meet Monte Desai! Our incredible NextGen Public Service Award Finalist. Desai is a Product Manager at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and focuses on technology and innovation. After the financial crisis, he started work at CFPB to make markets for consumer financial products and services work again. Read on to learn about his incredible… Read more »

Practical Lessons Employees Can Learn from the OPM Breaches

This story is the first in a new bi-weekly GovLoop series called “The Intersection”. The goal is to make technology relevant and easy to understand for all government employees. Consider this blog the bridge that connects you (the tech user) with the tech innovators and policy makers. The next post will be published on GovLoop.comRead… Read more »

On Your Mark, Get Set – Are You Ready for the Federal Cyber Sprint?

By Paul Christman, VP Federal Sales, Dell Software. This blog was originally posted here. In the wake of the recent OPM cyber breach, federal CIO Tony Scott recently announced a 30-day “Cybersecurity Sprint” requiring agencies to immediately take steps to improve protection of federal information and resilience of federal networks. Tony Scott’s initiative comes inRead… Read more »

Updating the Department of Defense with Open Source

This interview is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, The DoD of Tomorrow, which explores how the department is transforming its operations, technology, workforce, and acquisitions process to confront 21st century challenges. When you think of DoD’s information infrastructure, you might think mostly of complex, secret networks. Yet the reality is that the department maintainsRead… Read more »

Holistic (Cyber)hygiene

Outdated technology, lack of oversight, poor planning; lawmakers have cited all of these factors and more as reasons for the recent onslaught of cyber breaches. In the wake of the OPM cyber attacks, government agencies are scrambling to shore up their cyber defenses. Federal CIO Tony Scott recently ordered a “30-day sprint” for government agenciesRead… Read more »

Moving Forward with the Cloud

Unless you’ve been pulling a Rip van Winkle in the woods for the past 20 years, you’ve probably heard of cloud computing by now. Many private sector companies have successfully integrated cloud services into their infrastructure; now government organizations are beginning to follow suit. At Govloop’s Evolution of the Cloud event, Deputy CIO of theRead… Read more »

The Great Cloud Migration

When it comes to cloud systems, government agencies tend to be more risk averse than those in the private sector. The move to the cloud can be especially difficult for less adaptable staffs. Fortunately, there are many great examples of agencies in government taking the risk to migrate to cloud services. At the conclusion ofRead… Read more »

6 Synergistic Listening Tips: More Than the Sum of the Communication Parts

Knowing what gets in your way names it. Then you can work around, or through it. Agreeing to disagree when it’s not possible or unnecessary to agree preserves the relationship. Preparing your points with potential objections and probing questions in mind makes you look unfazed by road blocks. Multi-tasking when distractions win out keeps up… Read more »