Search Results for: CIO Conversations

How My White Colleagues Talk About Race

They say things like “all people are equal or we are all the same.” Essentially what they are saying about race is nothing at all. They talk about race like it does not exist. When they try to talk about race, they use these empty phrases that subconsciously say “can we change the subject?” CanRead… Read more »

How to Develop Your Personal Brand

“So, tell me about yourself.” It should be the easiest question in any job interview. But surprisingly, many of us completely fumble our answers. Maybe it’s because we’re young and just starting out in our professional journeys, so there isn’t much to tell yet. Or maybe it’s because we really don’t know how we defineRead… Read more »

The Best Government Conferences of 2016 [Updated]

This list should help you plan for 2016 and start advocating for those precious professional development dollars. Here you’ll find brand new events you might want to check out as well as established events that might be new to you. Many are essential conferences that those working in government cannot do without.

The FSIS Escalade Leadership Development Program

“Do more than is required.  What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following?  The extra mile.”–Gary Ryan Blair If you get the opportunity, PLEASE apply for this program.  I had the pleasure of being selected to attend the 2015 FSIS Escalade LeadershipRead… Read more »

Leadership in Action

From forging a unity of effort in homeland security to strategizing today how to field the U.S. Army of tomorrow; to pursuing affordable housing, eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse in healthcare, and securing cyberspace, our most recent issue of The Business of Government magazine delves into a diverse set of topics and public management issuesRead… Read more »

How to Lead Your Team Out of a Blamestorm

Your team is talking about a tough slog of a project that hasn’t been going well. Milestones have slipped. Deliverables haven’t been delivered. Rather than determining how you can move forward together, your team is fixated on finding someone to blame for what went wrong. Tempers flare as everyone points their finger at everyone else…. Read more »