Search Results for: research

How to Develop Your Personal Brand

“So, tell me about yourself.” It should be the easiest question in any job interview. But surprisingly, many of us completely fumble our answers. Maybe it’s because we’re young and just starting out in our professional journeys, so there isn’t much to tell yet. Or maybe it’s because we really don’t know how we defineRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER LIVE: Understanding Data Analytics

Government has access to massive amounts of data, but what’s the point of all that data if you can’t take advantage of it? How should the data be stored? How can we sift through it all? What should we do with all of it? The answer is effective data analytical strategies. Which is why thisRead… Read more »

Breastfeeding at Work

You glance down at the right hand corner of your desktop. You know it’s almost that time. Your Outlook alarm reminded you 13 1/2 minutes ago that you have 15 minutes until your next pumping session. And you’re dreading it. You start making compromises with yourself. “Let me just answer this email and then I’llRead… Read more »

Achieving Customer Service in the Real World

This blog post is an excerpt from our recent Information Perspective, “Achieving Customer Service in the Real World.” To download the full research brief, click here.  Rapidly expanding technology has changed expectations of customer service in the public sector. Citizens, and other government customers want to be able to see how their tax dollars areRead… Read more »

The Impact and Importance of Teamwork in Government

Teamwork is an elusive – yet critical – component of a successful government agency. Developing a team-oriented office might take a little effort, especially if doing so means changing the culture, but you won’t have to implement any expensive initiatives or invest in pricey software to make it happen.

Tips for Handling Difficult People: Part 1

In this series of posts I will use Eddy’s It’s All Your Fault to explain what a high conflict personality is and how to deal with such personalities in the workplace. In this post (Part 1), I’ll explore the basics and some what-not-to-do tips. In future posts, I will explore tips for specific personality types… Read more »

17 Awesome Civic Leaders in Cambridge

Cambridge and the broader Cambridge area is a hub for civic-related activity — most specifically, civic technology. The number of exciting initiatives and incredible people is overwhelming, so we decided to make a list of awesome civic leaders in Cambridge (order doesn’t matter).

How to Master the Informational Interview

They say that in government networking is the name of the game. One particular tool that can really help you make meaningful connections, as a young professional, is highly underutilized because few actually know its purpose or protocol: it’s called the informational interview. It’s okay if you’ve never heard of it. Prior to arriving inRead… Read more »

5 Govie Stories You Should Read- Now!

The Mondays are usually hard enough as is. As the first day after a weekend, we tend to have a giant list of to-dos and not enough time on a Monday to do them. We decided to help compile a few noteworthy posts to make your life easier. Today’s DorobekINSIDER program will be your need-to-knowRead… Read more »