Search Results for: CIO Conversations

Cyber Trends that will Secure Platforms Before the Breach

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, The Future of Cybersecurity, which examines 15 trends transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. In the wake of a several high-profile data breaches, government agencies at every level have been scrambling to shore up cyber defenses. Looking for ways to better defend their dataRead… Read more »

Improving In-Person Communication In The Digital Age

How many ways do you interact with your coworkers during the day? Email, instant messenger, phone calls, texts, passive aggressive notes in the kitchen – chances are you use most of these every day. (Though hopefully not the passive aggressive notes!) Technology has gives us more and more tools to communicate with our coworkers without speakingRead… Read more »

Wide Open Spaces

A recent Federal News Radio Online Survey shows feds are not keen on open office spaces. Most prefer to work in offices where they can close their doors, as many complaints involve lower productivity due to more distractions. While feds are less likely to enjoy their offices with low or no partitions separating them fromRead… Read more »

Does Your Program Need More Money? Release Sooner!

Having a great idea on paper has never won anyone an award. If you want to move your project forward, and potentially get more money in your budget, it has to move out the idea stage, through the R&D lab, and get into the hands of potential customers. In a couple words, you need to… Read more »

Government Prepares for the New IP: Insights from the Federal Forum 2015

Last month at the Federal Forum in Washington, D.C., I joined Brocade’s industry partners and the government’s leading IT decision makers to discuss how new, exciting technologies are changing the way our government serves the American citizenry, enables warfighters and meets the demands of a growing list of stakeholders. We heard from an impressive groupRead… Read more »

Holistic (Cyber)hygiene

Outdated technology, lack of oversight, poor planning; lawmakers have cited all of these factors and more as reasons for the recent onslaught of cyber breaches. In the wake of the OPM cyber attacks, government agencies are scrambling to shore up their cyber defenses. Federal CIO Tony Scott recently ordered a “30-day sprint” for government agenciesRead… Read more »

Summer Reading List for Success in the Public Sector

This summer, rather than dragging out the insipid beach-friendly reads with sand in their spines, why not bone up on practical skills and knowledge that can help you in your work? Many of these books are so brand-spankin’ new that I haven’t had a chance to read them yet. If this list isn’t enough, check last year’sRead… Read more »