Search Results for: plain language

A Government Shutdown has been AVERTED — DorobekINSIDER

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 1st of August, 2012 Congress has averted a government shutdown for now. Politico reports House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid agreed on a six-month continuing resolution to begin October 1st. Congress is about to recess, so the bill won’t be votedRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: July 27, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda A Boyle’s Law for Data? The Pew Internet and American Life Project has released a report titled “The Future of Big Data” that begins with the line “We swim in a sea of data … and the sea level is rising rapidly.” What pressure does all that data exert on us? Or onRead… Read more »

In Our Quest to Use Technology, Let’s Not Forget Human Beings

The internet is an amazing advancement in our do-it-yourself world. We all love being able to go to Amazon or Google or a government website and get it done ourselves, without human intervention. When we go into a store, we don’t like that salesperson who asks, “Can I help you?” We don’t want anyone toRead… Read more »

How To Effectively Communicate Your Message – Marrying Content and Design

In government, there has been a movement to bring government communications into “plain-language.” In 1998, President Clinton released an executive memo mandating agencies to write in plain language, and recently, President Obama signed into law the Plain Writing Act of 2010, requiring agencies to write in plain language. The plain language act is an importantRead… Read more »

CFPB Design + Technology Fellows: Changing the way the Government does Tech

The mission of the CFPB is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans. Technology and innovation are essential to our ability to achieve our consumer protection mission. That’s why we’re launching a first of its kind technology hiring initiative – the Design+Technology Fellows program. The CFPB Design+Technology Fellowship is aRead… Read more »

Open Government Directive: SBA’s story

In response to the open government directive and plain language initiative, SBA sought to create a two-year plan to increase participation and transparency among its main constituents, small businesses. With the help of GovDelivery Digital Communication Management (DCM), SBA was able to expand its email communication, increase the number of visitors to its website, andRead… Read more »

A Good Day for Digital Government

Like any field of work – or movement, depending on how you view this agenda – digital open government has its good days and its bad days. A bad day is when a state makes it easier to fight requests to release information. A good day is when government adopts policies and practices that willRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Make Your Presentations More Tweetable

A few weeks ago, I wrote an entry for speakers about analyzing their tweets to improve future presentations. Since then, I’ve had a few people ask “how do you get people to tweet about you in the first place?” That’s an excellent question. Whenever I attend a session, I’m always looking for something tweetworthy becauseRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 13, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Collaborative Consumption. The Sharing Economy has come to government, at least in the form of car sharing. Alex Howard has a great article that not only details two cities’ experiences in car sharing (Boston and DC), but has some great links to other resources on the general topic of collaborative consumption. A DifferentRead… Read more »

Web Management 101

Forgive me for reminiscing a bit… It’s hard to believe that it was 17 years ago this month that I became HUD’s first web manager. I was handed a brand new communication tool (one that was totally under the radar of most executives) and pretty much told to figure it out. So I did. WithRead… Read more »