Search Results for: cio

Technology-Focused Career Options for Women: Virtually Limitless

In Women in Technology: Promoting a Broader Perspective, I argued that women can make strong contributions in technology-focused areas without being employed by technology firms or educated and trained in technology-related fields. This piece extends those ideas by highlighting the diversity of career options for women available in the Digital Era. Although well intentioned and certainly important, emphasizingRead… Read more »

Lack of Inclusion: Moral Failure or Moral Slumber

Most people do not wake up every day and decide not to be inclusive of each other in the workplace. If this is so then why are so many private and public sector employees disengaged. Why does every demographic group in the workplace report that they cover by not bringing their full selves to work?Read… Read more »

Starbucks’ Sandwich Problem

Last night I tweeted to Starbucks that their breakfast sandwiches looked disgusting. They responded (yay!) to ask me what I was talking about. This. I am a huge Starbucks fan and therefore I would like to give them some practical advice about how to solve their sandwich problem. I looked around the rest of theRead… Read more »

The ‘No-Brainers’ That Trainers Often Forget

You not only have great communication skills, you’ve trained employees before. So training those in other agencies/organizations is really no big deal. Right? Well, I’m here to tell you that there are many pitfalls to avoid and tips for success. What makes me qualified to offer you this advice? I’ve designed dozens of training sessionsRead… Read more »

Cross Training Your Mind

For so many of us in the professions, we’ve spent our adult work lives acquiring and perfecting skills that are designed to take us on a path to success. But as a Civil Service officer, what happens when we get to the top of our career ladders? We’re at the highest grade and we’ve essentiallyRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap-Up

Stocks were mostly flat with volatility falling during the four day week, however Friday was taken over by the bulls who were able to push the indices to new highs after Greece secured a four-month extension to euro zone funding avoiding bankruptcy… for now. I guess that was good enough news to buy. Modest gainsRead… Read more »

Tips for Managing Your Hybrid Cloud Environment

The hybrid cloud can be an effective solution for your IT infrastructure. It combines the benefits of private and public clouds, virtualization, and existing onsite IT systems to create the right IT solutions for agencies. Sounds great, right? But once you adopt a hybrid cloud model, how can you make sure you’re managing it effectively?Read… Read more »

Training – Online

Filed under: Cloud

Women in Technology: Promoting a Broader Perspective

For many, the notion of women in technology is focused on computer science and the tech industry. Should the definition be so narrow? Do we really want to send the message to girls and young women that aspiring to be coders and tech entrepreneurs is the best (or only) way they can make a professional… Read more »