Search Results for: research

A Checklist for How to Leave a Job on Good Terms

In the musical chairs of life, you will probably eventually leave your current job for a better one. When you do so, you should try to leave your job as gracefully and smoothly as possible. Some tips to help you move on without messing up.

From King to Obama: Will Millennials Save Us From Racism?

The promised land that King saw in his dream is in sight. The race is not finished. We need some fresh legs to complete the last few miles. The question is, will Millennials take us across the finish line?

Change the Way You Manage Your Waste

Surging population growth is not only challenging communities’ delivery of public services like water, energy, transportation, public safety and healthcare; the growth is also forcing them to deal with increasing amounts of waste. It’s estimated that by 2100 global populations will be producing three times as much waste as they do today. If we don’tRead… Read more »