Search Results for: research

Honoring Veterans

Who better to show our appreciation to than the people who bravely serve and sacrifice for our nation?

5 Bold Predictions for the Future of Learning

We’ll spend significantly less time in professional training as courseware is compressed to the most pertinent information and everything becomes searchable in response to increasingly shorter attention spans. We will regularly learn from teams of the world’s top experts in any given field, often for free. Many academic institutions will start to openly publish theirRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Dealing With the Government’s Brain Drain

“I have no one under the age of 40 in my office,” said a policy analyst from the Department of Veterans Affairs in a recent GovLoop survey. That policy analyst isn’t alone – the government is graying. According to the Office of Personnel Management, the average age of a government employee is 47. At theRead… Read more »

Land a Dynamic Federal Internship

Too many students and recent grads waste their summers flipping burgers when they could be getting paid to work career-boosting jobs. But in this tough job market, how can young people — go-getters though they may be — afford to toss away their spatulas for meaningful jobs? By landing dynamic federal summer internships.

The Venn Diagram of Social Media: 3 Elements to Keep in Mind

Are you thinking about incorporating social media into your communications strategy? Already have it and are wondering if you’re getting enough return on that investment? Social media is a great way to reach a wide range of people or a niche audience. However, it also requires a strategic approach. It’s not enough to simply be… Read more »

4 Steps to Being a Better Boss for Your Multigenerational Workforce

With baby boomers restlessly pacing at retirement’s door, it’s critical to plan now for the significant talent gap that lies ahead. Right now, your workforce is likely made up of multiple generations bringing different traits to the table. It’s critical to take advantage of this multigenerational makeup before baby boomers retire and transition out of… Read more »