Search Results for: cio

Here’s Why Most Leaders Suck, But You Won’t

This is a a child whose name I don’t know. In North Darfur, greeting the United Nations, a couple of years ago. Looking at her, I hate my spoiled ways. Can’t live without wifi for half an hour. But then I think about the people who are trying to help her. People whose names youRead… Read more »

Securing the Cloud at Your Level

As we prepare for GovLoop’s first-ever State and Local Innovators Virtual Summit, we and the presenters are posting blogs about many of the sessions and some of the tips they will share. The summit is October 22nd and free for everyone — make sure to register here!   The benefits of the cloud are well understoodRead… Read more »

Fighting Human Trafficking with the EEOC

Drugs and illegal firearms. These are usually the first things to pop in your head when you think of the black market. But what is another, less easily documented crime? Human trafficking. Yes, slavery still exists today. And human trafficking is currently one of the fastest growing black market activities, with unreported cases numbering inRead… Read more »

Changing the Lens on Government IT: Refocusing on Innovation

The federal government faces a daunting IT challenge. Due to aging legacy infrastructure and out-of-control maintenance costs, agencies are struggling to keep pace with best practices that have become commonplace in the commercial space. Benchmarking government objectives with industry standards is a great starting point for driving innovative technologies that allow the government to getRead… Read more »

Greater Open Data Use with Government

We all have our day-to-day job titles – CEO, Associate Director, Office Assistant, Mom, Dad. But there is one title we all share: Chief Data Officer. Surprised? This was a constant theme at Tuesday’s GovDelivery 8th Annual Federal Communications Summit. A panel of big data communication experts answered some important questions about open data andRead… Read more »

Just Who IS Your Tribe?

There are some colleagues you just love to spend time with – and others that can take you from “okay” to “I’m-going-to-stab-MYSELF-with-a-pencil-to-make-you-go-away” after five minutes! What’s the difference? The first person is your tribe – the type of person you enjoy spending time with, who feeds who you are as a person, who has valuesRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 3 Insights from the FBI Director

60 Minutes and the FBI director

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER… where we focus on six words: Helping government do its job better. On GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER: A Bright Future for Open Data: As more industries are joining the fight for open data, governmental organizations at the local, state and federal levels have becomeRead… Read more »

The Biggest Obstacle to Diversity: The Knowing and Doing Gap

I have hundreds of conversations with managers and employees around diversity and inclusion issues every year. One of their most frequent questions is “What is the biggest barrier to diversity and inclusion?” The answer is “the knowing and doing gap.” We know a lot about diversity and inclusion. Unfortunately, like most of the world, weRead… Read more »

Why Isn’t Performance Information Being Used?

Champions of performance management in government are confounded. After decades of trying to integrate the use of performance information into agency decision-making, it still isn’t happening on as broad a scale as once hoped. The initial premise twenty years ago was that if performance information was made readily available, it would be used by agencyRead… Read more »

Stop Focusing on Vanity Metrics and Optimize the Government’s Data Centers

It has been almost five years since the federal government launched the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative (FDCCI). The initiative called for agencies to reduce the government’s 3,100 data centers by 40 percent. This effort was anticipated to save the federal government as much as $5 billion by 2015. However, instead of moving steadily towards achieving theseRead… Read more »