Search Results for: research

5 Tips to Become a Better Writer

Writing. The thought of it brings back bad memories for many, a chore that just needs to get out of the way in the form of the latest report or memo, before the next task can be completed. It can evoke flashbacks to school papers; late nights spent trying to reach the word limit inRead… Read more »

Shutdowns, Furloughs, Strikes and Layoffs: Emergency Preparedness for the Government Worker

Whether it’s a federal government shutdown, planned furloughs, strikes or layoffs, having your income suddenly cut is the type of emergency faced more often by govies. Having some plans in place can get you through having your income drastically cut for a period of time as well as ease the anxiety that goes along with… Read more »

What “The Intern” Teaches Us About Followership

There so much focus on developing leaders that the role of followers is often under-valued and neglected. “Followership” refers to a role held by certain individuals in an organization, team, or group. Specifically, it is the capacity of an individual to actively follow a leader. Followership is the reciprocal social process of leadership. While leaders… Read more »

A Chicken a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

Do you know how many chickens this country eats yearly? Eight billion – yes, eight billion chickens are consumed by hungry Americans every 365 days. Raising those 8 billion chickens and making sure they are healthy enough to eat is no easy job. You may think it is a simple process for a chicken toRead… Read more »

Disengagement Then, Disengagement Now and Disengagement Forever

If you ever talk to American Indian/Alaska Native, Persons with Disabilities and People of Two or More Races employees, you are conversing with some of the most disengaged workers in the federal government. The work realities of these employee groups look something like this: • Their small numbers enhance their invisibility. • They have theRead… Read more »

5 of the Latest Cloud Computing Trends

In the information technology world, few buzzwords are more mystical than “cloud computing.” Sure, we use the cloud to access email and work files, and to do online shopping, but most people don’t consider the details of what’s happening behind the scenes to give us anytime, anywhere access to data and services. We simply expectRead… Read more »