Search Results for: cio

Are You Leaking Happy?

Everyone has those times in their life where they’re just not happy. And when this happiness is caused by being in the wrong job, with the wrong people, doing the wrong thing, it can cause you to dump “yuck” onto everyone in your life. It’s easy to say, “My life is bigger than my job!”Read… Read more »

It’s The System, Not The Person

A few months ago I did a brave thing (for me) and finally registered to vote as a Libertarian. It was a tough thing to do. For one thing Libertarians have a sort of crappy brand. For another they’re a little weird. Thirdly they’re not mainstream, and so they influence rather than win elections. ButRead… Read more »

The Zombie Effect

  Sometimes I wonder why good people suffer so in organizational life. For example: Messengers of doom are punished or ignored rather than rewarded. Computer glitches, safety lapses, ineffective leadership; employees who show every sign of endangering the workplace. All of these are routinely reported by attentive people, and frequently just as swiftly disregarded. StrategicRead… Read more »

Empowered Citizens Drive Change

By Jennifer Belissent, Ph.D., Forrester Research When I was in high school – and admittedly that was quite a while ago – my neighbor quit his job as an insurance salesman to go into the car phone business.  My mother couldn’t understand why someone would give up a good, stable job to sell something thatRead… Read more »

More Than Buzz – Redefine Federal IT

“If our federal government can truly implement a more transparent and open environment that leverages the proven insights and efficiencies available from big data, I’m really optimistic that the impact can be truly transformational.” – Audie Hittle, CTO, EMC Isilon in GovLoop’s Capitalizing on the Open Data Revolution guide.  There’s a lot of buzzwords inRead… Read more »

10 Great Tips From Government Executives

Over the years I’ve been fortunate to receive some really good advice from senior government leaders. I carry these “golden nuggets” around in my brain and refer to them often. Hope they are useful to you! 1. “If you want to be successful, be polite, be professional, and have a good work ethic.” 2. “TheRead… Read more »

5 Leadership Lessons From An Army Ranger

Here’s the thing about me, I am a sucker for a pull at your heart-strings type of story. Videos of soldiers coming home to surprise their families routinely reduces me to tears. So, I knew I needed to mentally prepared for the keynote address by Staff Sergeant Keni Thomas during NASCIO’s Annual Conference. While I hadRead… Read more »

Look at the Innovations Coming From States

Government innovation is happening at all levels of government. During the 2014 National Association of Chief Information Officers annual conference, the winners of the Recognition Awards were unveiled. The 10 finalists were selected for their outstanding achievement in the field of information technology. Below are my favorite awards from last night. Take a look at theRead… Read more »

Respect for Millennials

Our current generation of millennial professionals will make up the majority of the workplace in the next twenty years. Employers report millennials aren’t ready for work–that in management and leadership areas they only succeed because they are bright achievers. So far. We have the power to change that. It’s not anyone’s fault–everything is happening soRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: Where change is happening in government

Have you ever attended a budget meeting hosted by your city council? You usually are shown PowerPoint presentations filled with pie charts detailing how funds are dispersed. And you have access to your city website’s complete budget breakdown, including the projected one for the next fiscal year. But it may seem as though local governmentRead… Read more »